Shluchim to Ontario’s Russian Communities Gather for Hakhel

Shluchim serving the Russian Jewish community in Ontario gathered for a Hakhel melava malka, addressed by Rabbi Yoseph Zaltzman, and guest speaker Rabbi Zalmen Leib Markowitz.

In light of the Rebbe‘s call to find every opportunity to get together throughout this year, the Shluchim serving Russian Jews in Ontario – the Jewish Russian Community Centre (JRCC) gather for Hakhel.

A beautiful Melavah Malka was hosted by the JRCC Chabad house in North York led by Rabbi Shmuel Neft.

The shluchim were addressed by the senior Rabbi, Rabbi Yoseph Zaltzman, first sent by the Rebbe in 1980.

The shluchim were also addressed by a guest speaker Rabbi Zalmen Leib Markowitz of Monsey who continued the Farbrangan about the Rebbe’s call of the hour.

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