Shluchim Set to Bring Traditional Shidduchim to the Chabad House Scene

Shluchim servicing young adults throughout the world are so often presented with perhaps one of the most critical ways any Chassid can impact a fellow Jew: helping two Jews marry one another. This weekend, these shluchim will be gathering to strategize how to best carry out this critical mission.

Shluchim servicing young adults throughout the world are so often presented with perhaps one of the most critical ways any Chassid can impact a fellow Jew: helping two Jews marry one another. This weekend, these shluchim will be gathering to strategize how to best carry out this critical mission.

But much to everyone’s chagrin, there is far too much frustration and futility in this very arena. What should be a joyous and enthusiastic search for marital bliss can so often turn into an endless cycle of failed dates, listless encounters, and sobbing, heartbroken young men and women.

After all, societal norms dictate that one seek out a dating partner who shares interests and likes, and only after hanging out and sharing so many experiences, to advance to important matters such as values and deeply-held beliefs. As is so often the case, at that point, the dating turns sour, and everyone goes home in tears.

For many of these young adults, the Rebbe’s view on dating on marriage would be an absolute gift: From the very onset, dating must be intentional, and predicated on values. A couple meeting one another are there for one purpose: To see if their values and beliefs align to answer the simple question, “Can we live a committed life together?” Of course, mutual attraction and chemistry are a must, but values and serious commitment are the foundation of everything.

And so, this select group of Chabad Young Professional and campus shluchim will be convening for a full-day seminar to be introduced to CYP’s new program Met @Chabad that ambitiously sets out to do just that: to bring the Rebbe’s refreshing perspective to a corner of life where it is sorely needed.

Of course, Shluchim are well aware of this unique perspective, but it has always proven challenging how exactly to properly convey it to a young, uninitiated Jew. After much research and hundreds of interviews, Met @Chabad will be unveiling a robust packet of ideas and talking points that Shluchim can use at home when interacting with their young constituents.

Another unique element of the Met @Chabad program is its usage of traditional matchmaking methods through a shadchan to the broader audience. After training, matchmakers will be tasked with meeting forty people each with actual in-person interviews, then pooling all the information together in a larger database. Using a unique algorithm developed by Harvard professors specifically for Met @Chabad, the matchmakers will be presented with suggested matches based on values.

“As Shluchim, we are on the frontlines in the battle against assimilation,” says Rabbi Mendy Kotlarsky, Executive director of Merkos Suite 302, parent organization of CYP. “We created 

Met @Chabad so Shluchim don’t need to fight the battle alone, we gathered the minds of experienced Shluchim and Shluchos to develop a tool to tackle this fundamental part of our Shlichus effectively.”

With the greatest minds and such vast expertise gathered together in one forum, the seminar will also serve as a brainstorming session to bring the program to even greater heights, finally bringing the reality of bonafide shidduchim to Chabad houses all over the world.

The Seminar will be held G-d willing on Monday, June 14, 4 Tammuz.

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