Shluchim Online School Holds Annual Reunion

Students of the Nigri International Shluchim Online School of the Shluchim Office joined live for their annual Day of Celebration imbuing the girls with school pride and inspiration in their role as a Shlucha.

Every year, the girls eagerly await the annual Day of Celebration where they get to meet and spend a day with their classmates and teachers.

The year, the girls joining from around the world enjoyed a beautiful virtual program, giving them the same experience of being inspired in their role as a Shlucha and pride in their school. In honor of the program, every student received a special package in the mail, complete with everything needed for the event.

“Thank you so so much for this amazing Day of Celebration,” shared 6th-grade student Mushka. “Even through Zoom, I loved everything we did and getting the school sweater and package in the mail!”

7th grade student Chana Dubrowski began the program with a beautiful Dvar Torah followed by presentations in either a dance, choir or video from each class. After an interactive game, the students were surprised with a special concert with Chanale Fellig.

The girls were then divided by grade where they got to either create their own art with a picture of Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka or paint their own canvas. Afterward, they heard from Mrs. Sara Shemtov, Shlucha to Riverdale, NY about her relationship with the Rebbetzin through many inspiring stories. The program concluded with amazing raffles, a grand roll call and enthusiastic dancing.

For more information visit
The Nigri International Shluchim Online School is a project of the Shluchim Office.


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