Shluchim Office Says Thank You for “Extraordinary Show of Unity”

The Shluchim Office Campaign Committee expresses its gratitude to the global community for the outpouring of support for the annual fundraising campaign.

Dear Friends,

We have no words that can adequately describe our deep appreciation to all Shluchim, Chassidim and Friends who joined together, with complete Achdus, to support and partner in the annual Together For Shluchim fundraising campaign. This is not only vital for the success of The Shluchim Office’s ongoing projects  but is a source of inspiration and encouragement to us all. Your support puts you as our partner, hand in hand as we serve the Shluchim.

We want to express our deepest gratitude to the Campaign Co-Chairs, Rabbi Yosef and Yael Michelashvili, for their outstanding generosity and dedication.

It was heartwarming to see such a great display of Achdus HaChassidim! During the 36 hours of the campaign, there was an amazing outpouring of support from Shluchim and Anash worldwide. Volunteers were calling and fundraising at all hours of the day and night, inviting people to step forward and donate, and encouraging them to ask their friends to give as well.

So many individuals gave generously and local Crown Heights Anash, businesses, and mosdos went above and beyond to help make this campaign a success. We are humbled and gratified by your generosity that will enable The Shluchim Office to continue fulfilling the Rebbe’s holy mandate.

The Shluchim Office still needs your support, and if you haven’t yet contributed, it isn’t too late! We encourage you to join us and make a contribution at

In the merit of supporting The Shluchim Office which the Rebbe himself established, may we all see the fulfillment of the Rebbe’s blessings that followed his call for its establishment, during the farbrengen held at the Kinus Hashluchim in 5747:

“Fulfilling the above will, firstly, grant success in the fulfillment of the shlichus, a much greater degree of success than envisioned. Moreover, this will also result in success with regard to one’s personal affairs as well, i.e., with regard to children, health and sustenance—that they all be in an abundant manner: healthy children and grandchildren, making good Shidduchim for one’s children, and being blessed with all brochos.”

“…און דורך דעם וואס מ’וועט טאן בזה באופן האמור – וועט מען צום אלעם ערשטן מצליח זיין אין קיום השליחות, און מיט הצלחה למעלה מן המשוער: און דערצו וועט מען אויך האבן הצלחה אין די אייגענע ענינים – בבני חיי ומזוני רויחי ובכולם רויחי – געזונטע קינדער, און געזונטע אייניקלעך, און מאכן גוטע שידוכים, און זיין געבענטשט מיט אלע ברכות…”

(משיחת שבת כינוס השלוחים ה’תשמ”ז – ע”ד התייסדות משרד השלוחים)

We have no doubt that this great display of Achdus and Ahavas Chassidim is the ultimate hachana for Gimmel Tammuz. In the Rebbe’s words regarding Yud Shvat, may this upcoming Gimmel Tammuz no longer be a yartzeit but instead a Hilulah with the Rebbe himself, as we all reunite with our Rebbe with the coming of Moshiach Now!

Thank you,

Rabbi Gedalya and Bassie Shemtov
The Shluchim Office

Shluchim Office Campaign Committee
Rabbi Yosef Michelashvili – Brooklyn, NY – Campaign Chairman, 5781
Rabbi Shimon Lazaroff – Houston, TX
Rabbi Sholom B. Levitin – Seattle, WA
Rabbi Sholom D. Lipskar – Surfside, FL
Rabbi Sholom Duchman – Brooklyn, NY
Rabbi Yosef Schildkraut – S. Paulo, Brazil
Rabbi Yitzchok Wolf – Skokie, IL
Rabbi Yosef Gopin – Hartford, CT
Rabbi Yossi Groner – Charlotte, NC
Rabbi Yossi Shemtov – Tucson, AZ
Rabbi Moishe Traxler – Houston, TX
Rabbi Mendy Herson – Basking Ridge, NJ
Rabbi Mayer Parshan – Thornhill, Canada
Rabbi Yoseph Shemtov – Toledo, OH
Rabbi Yisrael Greenberg – El Paso, TX
Rabbi Mordechai Avtzon – Hong Kong, China
Rabbi Shlomo Bentolila – Kinshasa, Congo
Rabbi Yosef Posner – Skokie, IL
Rabbi Mordechai Abergel – Singapore
Rabbi Mendel Duchman – Los Angeles, CA
Rabbi Yossi Kessler – Montreal, Canada
Rabbi Benjy Korf – Miami Beach, FL
Rabbi Levi Shemtov – Riverdale, NY
Rabbi Hershel Spalter – Escazu, Costa Rica
Rabbi Chaim Shaul Bruk – Brooklyn, NY
Rabbi Yosef Greenberg – Anchorage, AK
Rabbi Yossi Deren – Greenwich, CT
Rabbi Yisroel Spalter – Weston, FL
Rabbi Pinchus Vishedsky – Donetsk (Kiev), Ukraine
Rabbi Yitzchok Tiechtel – Nashville, TN
Rabbi Shmuel Gniwisch – Montreal, Canada
Rabbi Yehuda Shemtov – Newtown, PA
Rabbi Dovid Masinter – Johannesburg, South Africa
Rabbi Zushe Greenberg – Solon, OH
Rabbi Levi Shemtov – WestBloomfield, MI
Rabbi Shmaya Shmotkin – Oak Park, MI
Rabbi Schneor Greenberg – Commerce, MI
Rabbi Levi Azimov – Paris, France
Rabbi Ovadia Goldman – Oklahoma City, OK
Rabbi Berl Goldman – Gainesville, FL
Rabbi Shmuel Greenberg – Vancouver, WA
Rabbi Dovid Tiechtel – Champaign, IL
Rabbi Moshe Pinson – Brooklyn, NY
Rabbi Berel Levertov – Santa Fe, NM
Rabbi Chaim Lazaroff – Houston, TX
Rabbi Dovid Goldberg – S. Paulo, Brazil
Rabbi Asher Federman – S. Thomas, VI
Rabbi Berri Spitezki – Brooklyn, NY
Rabbi Avraham Greenberg – Pudong, China
Rabbi Chmouel Lubecki – Rouen, France
Rabbi Shmuel Levitin – Seattle, WA
Rabbi Dovi Henig – Chengdu, China

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