Shluchim Gather for Midwestern Regional Kinus

Last week, 40 Shluchim gathered in Milwaukee, Wisconsin for 2 days of workshops and farbrengen at the Midwestern Regional Kinus. They came from across Kentucky, Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio and Wisconsin.

Last week, 40 Shluchim gathered in Milwaukee, Wisconsin for 2 days of workshops and farbrengen at the Midwestern Regional Kinus. They came from across Kentucky, Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio and Wisconsin.

The Kinus was hosted by Chabad of Wisconsin, under the leadership of Rabbi Yisroel Shmotkin.

The workshops and discussions were focused on topics that targeted the specific needs of communities in the midwestern states of the U.S.. The shluchim especially appreciated hearing insights and guidance from their fellow shluchim who serve communities in relative geographic proximity.

The shluchim took the opportunity to interact with and get to know each other better.

“The highlight of the regional kinus is always the farbrengen that follows the formal workshops of the day,” one of the participants told “Shluchim sitting together and saying l’chaim for many hours into the night is the strongest statement of sheves achim gam yachad.”

The shluchim left the kinus strengthened and with renewed energy to continue their important work.


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