Shluchim Create Platform to Bring Moshiach Awareness to the Table

In honor of 70 years since Yud Shevat 5711, a group of shluchim have decided to create a new platform for shluchim that will the discussion of Moshiach back to the table. The second gathering will be held this Monday.

“Can this be a turning point?” is a question on the minds of many Shluchim when hearing about the new grassroots, spontaneous initiative launched this past Monday. 

A group of dedicated and enthusiastic Shluchim from across the world, decided to take the “bull by its horns” and present the Rebbe with an appropriate gift in honor of 70 years since Yud Shevat 5711.

It is absolutely clear that Moshiach education and awareness is the main Shlichus of our times, as the Rebbe himself stated to the Shluchim at the Kinus in the year 5752, yet for one reason or another it hasn’t been front and center in the consciousness of many Shluchim and Anash.

Here, though, may just be the turning point. 

The Menatzchim, as the group is identified (based on the theme of the Basi Legani in 5721), have decided to take a strong Hachlata. For the next two months until Yud Alef Nissan, the group will meet together over Zoom for a half hour a week to dedicate time to this most vital topic.

“With a world in chaos, it is high time all Shluchim of the world unite together to offer a message of Geulah and Moshiach,” says Rabbi Moshe Bryski, head shliach to the Conejo Valley in California. “The world is ready. Are we?”

This is set to be the basis for a Shluchim-wide platform that will bring the discussion of Moshiach back to the table for everyone.

Rabbi Shlomie Naparstek, director of the Moshiach Office in Merkos 302, weighed in, when hearing about this.

“An overwhelming amount of Shluchim have a personal feel for this main Shlichus that the Rebbe entrusted us with. Unfortunately, many feel that they are alone in their feeling for it. One critical component of this initiative is that Shluchim will realize the reality that most Shluchim are more than ready to bring these discussions back to the table,” he said.

The Moshiach Office will be creating a subsidiary, alongside the main initiative, to contribute implementation to some of the best ideas that are bound to be presented by these meetings.

Each meeting will have three presenters, fellow Shluchim, that will share their personal successes in the subject with their colleagues. They will be preceded by a short learning session on a Geulah topic. Meetings will be available for viewing later for those Shluchim who cannot make it live.

The next meeting is scheduled for Monday, Yud Tes Shevat at 1:30pm EST. Featuring:
Rabbi Ari Shishler (learning session)
Rabbi Mendy Rubenfeld
Rabbi Sendy Geisinsky

The meeting is open to all Shluchim.

To sign up for updates and Zoom link please click here:

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