Shluchim Arrange Bar Mitzva for Young Chabad Orphan

With the help of Shluchim Rabbi Zalman and Sarah Deutch, the Jewish community of Perm, Russia, gathered to celebrate the bar mitzvah of Moshe Kavanovsky, a young boy who was orphaned 4 months ago.

By reporter

This week, the Jewish community of Perm, Russia, celebrated the bar mitzvah of Moshe Kavanovsky, a young orphan whose father R’ Boruch Kavanovsky, passed away suddenly on Rosh Chodesh Elul.

Moshe’s father, R’ Boruch Kavanovsky, was an active member of the Chabad community in Perm, Russia, where he served as a mashgiach kashrus and as the head of the local Chevra Kadisha.

Working with Mrs. Rina Kabanovsky, the Bar Mitzva boy’s mother, Shluchim Rabbi Zalman and Sarah Deutch meticulously planned every detail and arranged for the celebration to be held in the highest standard.

Special guests arrived from near and far to join the special Simcha, including the shliach to Kostroma, Rabbi Nissen Ruppo, who arrived with his young son. Mr. David Kosenevich, the head of the Jewish community in Sochi, arrived with his grandson Aaron, a close and dear friend of the Bar Mitzva boy, contributing to the special atmosphere.

“Before Rosh Hashana, and the worldwide Chabad community helped us raise much-needed funds for the widow and 6 orphans,” Rabbi Zalman Deutch told “Last Sunday, the youngest one celebrated his bar mitzvah. This is a Simcha that you all share a part in.”

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