Where was shlucha Goldie Grossbaum last Pesach? She has no memory of it. Read about her Pesach in the trauma ICU in the Pesach issue of the N’shei Chabad Newsletter.
By N’shei Chabad Newsletter Staff
Good news for friends, supporters and loyal readers of the N’shei Chabad Newsletter, the Pesach 2023 issue went to print today! They could help but show off and give a sneak peek of some of the articles you can expect to find inside.
Craig Emanuel shares lessons for life. Lessons like TODAY, TELL SOMEONE YOU LOVE THEM; don’t push it off for some mythical “right time.”
Lieba Schwartz’s life of blindness and coming to Yiddishkeit is now told in the new book, More Than the Eye Can See. Buy it here. Read the final chapter of it in the Pesach issue, which will only whet your appetite to read the entire thing, and it’s perfect Pesach reading for the whole family.
Where was shlucha Goldie Grossbaum last Pesach? She has no memory of it. Read about her Pesach in the trauma ICU in this issue.
Subscribe here or buy it in Crown Heights stores before Pesach.
We have had several articles about M.U.S.T (Mothers Unite to Stall Technology) and our overuse of technology. Now, women amongst us are beginning to take steps to curtail the technology use, not just of their children, but of themselves, too. Are you one of these women? If so, please join our next “conversation” by emailing us at [email protected] with your answers to these three questions, or general comments on the subject, to be featured in a future issue.
1. Which steps are you taking to keep your own technology use in check?
2. Why do you believe this is an important endeavor?
3. How have you been managing with these limits, and have you or your family found them at all rewarding?
Thank you for your loyalty over the decades! Thank you for subscribing your friends, daughters, and daughters-in-law. Thank you for helping out in any way you could. Mainly, thank you for reading the magazine, and for your valuable honest reactions and contributions.
Looking forward to hearing from you,
NCN Staff
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