Shlucha Offers Tips On Pesach Preparation

Tonight at 9 pm: Florida Shlucha Mrs. Rivka Caroline will be offering a free follow-up class on how to prioritize, leverage your time and energy and help your family enjoy the preparations for Pesach.

While Pesach is officially around the corner it’s far enough away to prioritize, leverage your time and energy and help your family enjoy the preparations.

Florida Shlucha Mrs. Rivka Caroline will be offering a follow-up session on her class ‘The Beauty of Pesach’ – tips to clear away that physical emotional and spiritual clutter.

Rivka will be breaking pre-Pesach work into doable simple systems followed by a questions and answers session.

Tonight, Tuesday 25 Adar/March 9th at 9 pm.

Join Rivka Caroline’s free class this Tuesday at 9 pm EST to find out how. Here’s the sign up link

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