Shloshim of Rabbi Meir Harlig Marked in Befitting Way

Photos: Oded Kaizerman/

The shloshim of Rabbi Meir Harlig was befittingly marked with a chassidishe farbrengen in the upstairs zal of 770. Family and friends shared memories of Reb Meir and of his unwavering hiskashrus to the Rebbe.

Photos: Oded Kaizerman/

A Kinus Hakhel and Siyum Mishnayos marking the shloshim of Rabbi Meir Harlig was held in the upstairs zal of 770 Eastern Parkway on Tuesday evening. 

From a young age and throughout his life, Rabbi Meir Harlig spent his time in the Rebbe’s daled amos, and merited to serve as the Rebbe’s mashbak, and a gabbai in 770.

Family and friends shared memories of Reb Meir and of his unwavering hiskashrus to the Rebbe.

Speakers included his children Rabbi Sholom Ber Harlig, Rabbi Shea Harlig, Rabbi Yossi Harlig, Rabbi Mendy Harlig, and grandson Rabbi Mendy Dalfin.

Other speakers were Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky, Rabbi Levi Garelik, Rabbi Menachem Gerlitzky, Rabbi Michoel Seligson, Rabbi Nochum Kaplan, and Shmuly Butler.

The shloshim farbrengen was also broadcast on for the benefit of Chassidim around the world.

A special Teshura containing many letters he received from the Rebbe, pictures, and much more, was distributed at the event. Click here to download.


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