Shloshim of R’ Moshe Gottlieb Marked in Crown Heights

Photos: Mendy Dahan/

A shloshim remembrance gathering in memory of Rabbi Moshe Gottlieb, a beloved resident of Hillside, NJ and previously of Crown Heights, was held Wednesday night at Lubavitch Yeshiva.

Photos: Mendy Dahan/

A shloshim remembrance gathering in memory of Rabbi Moshe Gottlieb, a beloved resident of Hillside, NJ and previously of Crown Heights, was held Wednesday night at Lubavitch Yeshiva in Crown Heights.

Family and friends spoke about R’ Moshe’s positive and cheerful demeanor and exemplary Ahavas Yisroel which he displayed toward everyone alike.

In memory of the boundless joy that Rabbi Moshe Gottlib embodied, it’s our duty to stand with them, to let them know that they are not alone, that Klal Yisroel surrounds them with love and compassion. DONATE NOW and let your contribution be a tribute to the legacy of a man who brought so much joy to people’s lives.

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