A large shloshim event, marking thirty days since the passing of Reb Yoel Kahn, will be held in Boro Park on Monday, 8 Elul, organized by Heichal Menachem and addressed by prominent rabbonim. A live stream will be hosted on Anash.org.
By Anash.org reporter
A large shloshim event, marking thirty days since the passing of Reb Yoel Kahn, will be held in Boro Park on Monday, 8 Elul and addressed by prominent rabbonim.
The event is being organized by Heichal Menachem of Boro Park, where Reb Yoel taught Chassidus to thousands, spreading Chassidus with true mesiras nefesh.
Addressing the shloshim will be Rabbi Leibel Altein, founder of Heichal Menachem, Rabbi Leibel Schapiro, Rosh Yeshiva of Miami Yeshiva, Rabbi Gavriel Zinner, Rov and author of the Nitei Gavriel series and Rabbi Yitzchok Bistritzky, Rov of Boyan community.
Hundreds are expected to join the event in person, and a live stream on Anash.org will allow thousands more to join from around the world.
The in-person event will take place at the Anshei Sfard Hall at 1370 45th St., beginning with ma’ariv at 9:00 PM, followed by the official program.
LIVE, Monday 8 Elul, August 16th at 9:00 PM ET:
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