Shliach’s New Song Enlists “Every Jew is in the Army” 

A timely new song by California shliach Yoey Muchnik calls on Jews everywhere to join the fight and gain protection for our soldiers by adding in holy act of tefillin, Shabbos candles, mezuzahs, to bring victory closer.

The title of the timely new song by California shliach-singer-songwriter Yoey Muchnik says it all. And the lyrics of “Every Jew is in the Army” make it clear as day: the war being fought by the Jewish people now is not simply a military battle to be handled by the brave soldiers of the IDF. This is a worldwide struggle to reveal light in a place of darkness, and every Jew has a critical part to play. 

The song’s driving beat is a battle cry, calling out to Jews everywhere to join the fight and gain protection for our soldiers by adding in mitzvos. Each holy act of tefillin, Shabbos candles, mezuzahs, chesed, and other mitzvos, brings the victory closer.

“Every Jew is in the Army” is one of the most energizing songs to emerge from the Israel-Gaza war. It is sure to uplift and motivate listeners of every age and background to join the battle by doing their part with zrizus, determination, and joy!

Composer: Yoey Muchik 
Lyrics: Yoey Muchnik & Ruchie Torgow 
Producer: Shua Sorcher 
Cover Art: Moshe Muchnik 


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