Shliach Uncovers New Depths of ‘The King Is In the Field’

Kansas University Shliach Rabbi Zalman Tiechtel published a revamped edition of his comprehensive review of the Rebbe’s commentary on the famous mashal by the Alter Rebbe of ‘melech basedeh‘ – the king in the field.

Kansas University Shliach Rabbi Zalman Tiechtel published a revamped edition of his comprehensive review of the Rebbe’s commentary on the famous mashal by the Alter Rebbe of ‘melech basedeh‘ – the king in the field.

For generations among Chassidim the month of Elul has been considered a month of growth and reflection, in preparation for the upcoming new year.

We have been blessed with countless Mamorim and Sichos in Toras Hachasidus which shine a light and provide a renewed understanding and insight into the incredible power and meaning of this sacred month.

In particular, it is customary among Chassidim to study and delve into the Maamer of the Alter Rebbe called “Ani Lidodi” where he introduces the key concept of “Hamelech Basodeh”-“The King is in the Field”.

This theme of the king being present in the field during the month of Elul is quoted and discussed by the Rebbe hundreds of times, serving a central theme of many of the Rebbe’s talks and teachings during this month. Each time the Rebbe discussed this idea, he would uncover an additional layer of meaning and depth to this fascinating concept.

In order to assist in the vital service of this month, and to infuse our lives with deeper meaning and connection, we are delighted to present this publication which provides a first ever in depth overview of close to 150 insights from the Rebbe on every single detail and aspect of this Moshol of the King is in the Field.

We are confident that by studying this booklet, we can gain a deeper understanding and appreciation for what it means to truly meet the King in the Field during the upcoming month of Elul.

Please note that this new edition of the publication for this year has been totally revamped with many new additional explanations and insights added, and was throughly edited anew, making it a wonderful resource and tool to enhance our Avoda during this month of Elul.

The file can also be accessed at

We would would greatly appreciate any feedback, comments and additions which can be sent to [email protected] or via whatsapp to 785-917-0200.

Click here to download the booklet.

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