Shliach Teaches Entire Likkutei Torah and Torah Ohr

For the first time in history, audio classes in English are available on every single discourse in Torah Ohr and Likkutei Torah by shliach Rabbi Chaim Wolosow, of Sharon, MA.

Chabad Chassidim, say L’Chaim! A major milestone was accomplished last Friday.

Alongside the Tanya, Likkutei Torah & Torah Ohr are the foundational “printed works” of Chabad Chassidus. Every detail in the development and accessibility of these works was considered a benchmark in the Geulah process.

The original printing of Likkutei Torah famously was the realization of a “ketz”; its reprint in 5725 was celebrated by the Rebbe as a breakthrough moment, and retypesetting it to make it more accessible was understood to be part of the Geulah process.

As we approach the 24th of Tevet, the Yahrzeit of the Alter Rebbe, that accessibility went to a completely different level. For the first time in history, audio classes in English are available on every single discourse in Torah Ohr and Likkutei Torah.

Nearly 20 years ago, Rabbi Chaim Wolosow, a Shliach and Rov in Sharon, MA, started an early morning Shiur with a few local Yidden. “If I was already giving the class, I may as well record it and make it available to others,” says Rabbi Wolosow. “It was a humble beginning to what would become not simply a project but a labor of love.” With that, was born.

Two decades later, from anywhere in the world, one can access and study any Maamor in all five books of Torah, Megillas Esther, and Shir Hashirim.

Even before the project was complete, teachers and Shluchim the world over were using the site to prepare their own Likkutei Torah Shiurim. The Shiurim became more widespread with the 2021 launch of project Likkutei Torah.

In total, Likkutei Torah & Torah Ohr comprise 434 Maamorim, and the complete audio time of the recorded Shiurim is just over 776 hours. In addition to making audio classes available online, broke up the long paragraphs of the Maamorim and made a large typeset available online to make the Maamorim easier to understand.

“There is likely not a Maamor of the Rebbe or a Sicha in Likkutei Sichos which does not cite Torah Ohr or Likkutei Torah,” says Rabbi Wolosow. “When learning these Maamorim, one feels like they are seated at the feet of the Alter Rebbe and learning Chassidus Chabad in its original form. It’s breathtaking, and I’m humbled to play a role in its dissemination.”

In addition to Shiurim on Likkutei Torah and Torah Ohr, has Shiurim by Rabbi Wolosow on Likkutei Sichos, The Rebbe’s Letters, Shulchan Aruch, the Haggadah, and more. Many of these Shiurim are carried by,,, Podcasts, and more.

On behalf of all those who use the Shiurim and myself, I would like to thank those who provide the financial support for this undertaking. “What’s mine and what’s yours belongs to you,” concludes Rabbi Wolosow.

”L’Chaim Chassidim!”

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