Head Shliach Encourages Community Under Fire

After an Armenian missile attack flattened blocks in the capital city of Azerbaijan, Head Shliach Rabbi Shneor Segal paid a visit to the local Jewish community to raise their spirits.

Photos: Alliance of Rabbis in Islamic States

After an Armenian missile attack flattened blocks in the capital city of Azerbaijan, Head Shliach Rabbi Shneor Segal paid a visit to the local Jewish community to encourage them.

Azerbaijan has said at least 12 people have died after shelling leveled a row of homes in the city of Ganja, with 40 more wounded in a sharp escalation of the conflict with Armenia over the region of Nagorno-Karabakh.

Rabbi Segal surveyed the damage caused by the shelling and prayed with the Jewish community for healing to the injured, for peace, stability and for the end of aggression.

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