Shliach Provides Comfort Following Berlin Ramming Attack

A car plowed through a crowd of people in a busy shopping area in Berlin on Wednesday, killing at least one person and injuring eight others, rescue services said. Shliach Rabbi Yehuda Teichtal visited the scene of the attack.

A car plowed through a crowd of people in a busy shopping area in Berlin on Wednesday, killing at least one person and injuring eight others, rescue services said.

Emergency responders have kept the man who was driving the car at the scene, according to the Berlin police department.

The car’s driver is a 29-year-old German man of Armenian descent police said, adding that he was initially detained by witnesses before being handed over to emergency personnel. Police are trying to determine whether it was a terrorist attack.

The incident took place on Tauenzienstrasse, a street well-known for shopping in western Berlin’s Charlottenburg district. Around 60 emergency personnel rushed to the site after the crash, Berlin’s fire department said.

Berlin Shliach and Chief Rabbi Yehuda Teichtal visited the scene of the attack offering aid and comfort to the victims. Rabbi Teichtal remarked that he had recently placed a Mezuzah on the door of a nearby building.

“We pray for those injured that G-d give them a quick and speedy recovery,” Rabbi Teichtal said. “We are monitoring the situation very closely, and we will see how it develops,” he said. “With the help of Hashem, there will be good news.”

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