Shiur Culminates 5 Week Taharas Hamishpacha Review

Photos: Yossi Fajnland/

The fifth and final shiur in Machon Taharas Habayis’s Halacha series for married men was given Wednesday night by Rabbi Mendel Yusewitz on the topic of Maintaining a Chassidishe Binyan Adei Ad.

Photos: Yossi Fajnland/

Dozens of men joined online and in-person for Machon Taharas Habayis’s Halacha series for married men focusing on the Halachos and Hashkafa of Hilchos Taharas Hamishpacha.

The shiurim are meant to serve as a refresher course for men in the vital halachos of taharas hamishpacha.

The fifth and final Shiur took place Wednesday night at Empire Shteibel on the topic of Maintaining a Chassidishe Binyan Adei Ad. The shiur was given by Rabbi Mendel Yusewitz, Mechanech and Taharas Habayis Director.

Wednesday’s class was the culmination of a 5-week review of the vital halachos of taharas hamishpacha given by Rabbi Y. Yeshaya Braun, Rabbi Tuvia Kasimov, Rabbi Yehuda Lein Altein, Rabbi Pesach Schmerling and Rabbi Mendel Yusewitz.

Class 3: Shivah Nekiim & Vestos – Tuesday, 16 Iyar
By Rabbi Yehuda L. Altein – Chosson Teacher, Translator of Tahara K’halacha

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