Sheva Brachos is a Witness to Chabad’s Triumph

A sheva brachos held for the Deutch and Kahn families, both shluchim in Russia, took place on a date that hold extra special significance for the shluchim serving throughout the Former Soviet Union.

A sheva brachos held for the Deutch and Kahn families, both shluchim in Russia, took place on a date that hold extra special significance for the shluchim serving throughout the Former Soviet Union.

The sheva brachos celebration was in honor of the chosson Rabbi Menachem Mendel, son of Samara’s Head Shliach Rabbi Shlomo Deitch and the kalla, daughter of Moscow’s Dayan, Rabbi Shneur Zalman HaKohen Kahn. It took place Wednesday in the beautiful banquet hall of Moscow’s Shaarey Tzedek Chesed Center and Soup Kitchen. The center’s workers and volunteers, friends and supporters all gathered for the occasion. 

The event was opened by the Center’s Director, who mentioned that on this day – the 15th of Sivan, exactly 94 years ago, the Frierdiker Rebbe was arrested by the Soviets for the “sin” of teaching Torah, with a death sentence looming over his head.  Today, numerous distinguished guests arrived from near and far  in order to partake in the joy and festivities of the two esteemed families who merited  “to reap with joy” after many difficult years of “sowing with tears”.

“The many institutions in which Torah and Chassidus are taught, founded under the leadership of Russia’s Chief Rabbi and Head Shliach Berel Lazar, together with the Chesed Center, the largest of its kind in Russia, all attest to the great spiritual revival in the Former Soviet Union,” he said. 

The chosson’s esteemed grandfather, head of Kolel Tzemach Tzedek in the Old City of Yerushalaim, renowned Mashpia and chossid Rabbi Chaim Sholom Deitch, also spoke for the guests, sharing words of Torah and Chassidus. The chosson and his father also shared Torah thoughts, with musical interludes of heartful nigunim.

After bentching and reciting of the sheva brachos, the guests gathered to daven maariv at the “Tefila LeMoshe” Shul in the Chesed Center. 

Photography: Levi Nazarov

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