Hundreds of Crown Heights residents and bochurim joined an Achdus gathering and Farbrengen at 770 Eastern Parkway in preparation for the Yomtov of Shavuos addressed by Rabbonim from Crown Heights and overseas.
Photos: Dovber Hechtman/
Hundreds of Crown Heights residents and bochurim joined an Achdus gathering and Farbrengen at 770 Eastern Parkway in preparation for the Yomtov of Shavuos.
The farbrengen was addressed by esteemed Rabbonim from Crown Heights as well as Rabbonim from overseas who are in New York to spend Shavuos by the Rebbe.
Rabbonim spoke about the urgent need for unity in Klal Yisroel and amongst Chassidim in particular. Especially in light of a dispute in Eretz Yisroel that escalated into physical violence that left several people wounded.
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