Dozens of fathers traveled from far and near to spend Shabbos in Toronto’s Yeshiva Gedola Zal where they felt nostalgia and gratitude to unite with their sons in a yeshiva experience.
Dozens of fathers traveled from far and near to spend Shabbos in Yeshiva, many chose to join their sons on Mivtzoim around the streets of Toronto, while others settled in at their hosts and got ready for Shabbos.
As Shabbos began the specialty of the Shabbos was felt by all. The Menahel Rabbi Leibel Ceitlin greeted everyone and pointed out how Yeshiva resembles an army base. Just like a visit to an army base gives the soldiers tremendous Chizzuk, likewise, fathers visiting Yeshiva Bochurim, gives the Chayolei Bais Dovid encouragement to do even more to win the war against this dark Galus.
The evening continued with fathers and sons sitting side by side for Seder Nigunim, Chazaras Da’ach and T’filas Ma’riv.
As the crowd sat down to Seudas Shabbos, Chezky Lever from the Talmidei Hashluchim opened the Seuda with warm words about the father and son relationship and began with inviting Rabbi Ephraim Simon (Teaneck, NJ) to uplift the crowd. His words did the job and one by one fathers got up to share words of inspiration pertaining to the bochurim of 5784. The meal concluded with stories and thoughts from Rabbi Yossy Gordon (Miami Beach, FL).
After Benching, a farbrengen began with Rabbi Levi Jacobson (Thornhill, ON) and Rabbi Sholom Ber Raices (Skokie, IL) together with other fathers, until the early hours of the morning.
Shabbos morning gave fathers the opportunity to learn Chassidus one on one with their sons, the davening that followed was clearly influenced by the special atmosphere as the O’lam sang along the heartfelt Nigunim that the Chazanim began. After Laining, the crowd enjoyed a special unique D’rasha from Rabbi Shlomo Yaffe (Longmeadow, MA).
Se’udas Hayom and Farbrengen for the Zal were led by various members of the Hanhola and reached a climax when everyone jumped from their seats to join in spontaneous dancing. Once again, stories and words of Chizzuk continued as father after father got up to speak, each one with their own angle of appreciation to Yeshiva learning and Yeshiva life.
The special Shabbos continued with a beautiful Melava Malka, the Bochurim decorated and beautified the Bais Medrash to take on a new level of elegance. Bochurim, fathers and Hanhola sat down together, united to strengthen themselves in their connection to Hashem, and express appreciation to the many accomplishments of the Talmidim and their Shluchim. Rabbi Levi Zaltzman led the event while calling on a Bochur from each Shiur to share a Vort in Nigla and Chassidus etc. Yechiel Vogel, of the Tamidim Hashluchim, listed the many activities and Mivtzos the Shluchim have arranged. The applause from the crowd was a great indicator to the great level of appreciation they all had for these Pe’ulos.
Rabbi Menachem Wagner, executive director of the Yeshiva, spoke about the growth Yeshiva has had in the last few years and shared some of the current and future developments Yeshiva is involved in. Most importantly he shared a story and words from his father, Rosh Yeshiva Rabbi Akiva Wagner A”H who started and brought the yeshiva to where it is today until his untimely passing last year.
The night continued with inspiring words from Rabbi Yossi Bryski, Shliach in Scottsdale AZ and ended with music and dancing in the spirit of Adar and Ashrainu Ma Tov Chelkainu.
A huge Yasher Koach to our Yeshiva Chef Nachman Perl and our Menahel Gashmi Rabbi Shmulie Teitlebaum for the tremendous job of preparing this beautiful Shabbos. Special thanks to Eli Rimler, and Shneur Davidov for the beautiful music composition. Yasher Koach to Motti Gorman and Yisroel Keselman for overseeing all the Seudos. And Yasher Koach to Berel Lipskar and Reuvain Libman for arranging and coordinating the various homes and sleeping accommodations.
As they left the yeshiva and return to their homes and families, the fathers are filled with a sense of nostalgia and gratitude. They are grateful for the opportunity to relive their own experiences in yeshiva. They are also grateful for the sense of community and connection that they have experienced, and for the power of Torah to bring people together and to connect us one to another.
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