Shabbos Afternoon Father-and-Son Program Starting This Week

A Shabbos afternoon learning program for fathers and sons, launched in memory of Shua Kaminker a”h, is starting again this week in Crown Heights and Remsen Village.

ליהודים היתה אורה —  אורה זו תורה     

What better way is there to spread the light of Torah then to spend quality time with your son this coming Shabbos after noon.

א ניתנו שבתות לישראל אלא כדי לעסוק בהם בתורה –                      

The Rebbe always mentions the importance of להקהיל קהלות בכל שבת.

“שבת שועַ” is a new innovative program in our  שכונה giving fathers the opportunity to partner with their sons and enjoy  the מתיקות of תורתנו הקדושה  together.  Now with the long Shabbos afternoons and continuןng  throughout the summer you can spend quality time in a warm סביבה  with a beautiful קול תורה .   Incentives and prizes galore with inspiring divrei chizuk top off this wonderful Shabbos experience. 

Shabbos Shua is named after Menachem Yeshoua Kaminker ע”ה.who נשמה was עולה למעלה on   ל’ סיון the month of מתן תורה .     Please join us at any one of the locations below. 

In the zchus of the לימוד התורה  of our תשב”ר  may we usher in the גאולה האמיתית והשלימה בקרוב ממש.  

Basement of 770 –  770 Eastern Parkway  – 70 Minutes Before Mincha

Bais Gimpel Chaim – 309 New York Avenue –  90 Minutes Before Minch

Beis Avrohom Yitzchok  – 305 Remsen Ave  – 45 Minutes Before Mincha

Nosson’s Shul – 579 Brooklyn Av – 45 Minutes Before Mincha

Kehilas Lubavitch East Flatbush – 460 Lenox Road – Time to determined (Every 2nd week)

Mercaz Avreichim – 466 Albany Ave – 5:45 – 6:45pm

Anshei Moshe  – 1334 Lincoln Place – 5:45 – 6:45pm

Lincoln Place Shul – 1185 Lincoln Place – 5:45 – 6:45pm    


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