Senate Majority Leader Pays Nichum Visit to Hecht Family

NY Senator Chuck Schumer, the first-ever Jewish Senate Majority Leader, paid a nichum aveilim visit on Sunday to the Hecht family, sitting shiva after the passing of their mother Rebbetzin Chave Hecht.

By reporter

NY Senator Chuck Schumer, the first-ever Jewish Senate Majority Leader, paid a nichum aveilim visit on Sunday to the Hecht family, sitting shiva after the passing of their mother Rebbetzin Chave Hecht.

Senator Schumer noted his close relationship with a number of the Hecht brothers, built during their mutual decades of community service. He asked about their mother a”h, and the brothers told him about her 70 years of running Camp Emunah, and her part in founding and running NCFJE, prompting words of praise from the Senator.

Schumer shared memories of his own father, who had recently passed away, also recalling some of his yichus, tracing back to rabbonim and tzadikim. The Hechts and Schumer also shared early memories of their work together, back when the Senator was first running for office.

After introducing the Senator to various family members who serve as rabbis and shluchim around the world, the Senator praised Chabad, as well as the extended Hecht family.

The Senator expressed his wish to recite kaddish in memory of his father, and Rabbi Mendy Hecht of Chabad of Prospect Heights learned a Mishna with him, followed by the Senator reciting kaddish d’rabanan. He then left a donation for Camp Emunah and the other mosdos that Rebbetzin Hecht had been involved in.

The visit was facilitated by Ezra Friedlander, close friend of the Hecht family, and CEO of the Friedlander group.

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