Safety First Sukkos Mivtzoim

Many have wondered whether Mivtza Lulav will be feasible this year. Lubavitch Youth Organization has arranged for a safe way to ensure every yid has an opportunity to do the mitzva.

Good news! Many are skeptical whether Mivtza Lulav will be feasible this year. But when there’s a will, there’s a way! As Lubavitchers, we know that there are still yidden out there in New York City who do not yet have a Lulav and Esrog, and we have to step up to the plate to help them fulfill this special mitzvah, and to do it in the right way.

The Lubavitch Youth Organization reached out to local medical authorities and put together the following plan: Everyone heading on mivtzoim is to be wearing a mask, hand sanitizer will be provided for anyone handling the Lulav, and a stand can be used to help with social-distancing. It is also important that all people going on mivtzoim feel well, have not tested positive and have not been exposed to someone who tested positive.

Girls and families, we have a Mivtza Lulav Center open just for you. Monday through Thursday of Chol Hamoed, 12:00-5:00 PM, the center will be operating out of the Levi Yitzchok Library, 305 Kingston Avenue, where it has been based for the past number of years. (Friday and other times are by reservation – contact us at 845 393 1951.)

Girls will find a friendly place to borrow a Lulav and Esrog set, pick up Sukkos guides and candle boxes, and whatever else you may need to be able to Branch Out on Mivtza Lulav this year.

For larger groups, we do recommend reserving in advance, since Lulav Sets and supplies will be available on a first come first served basis. We can be reached at 845 393 1951. To stay updated on Yom Tov mivtzoim activities by LYO, message “update me” to the above number.

Wishing all a joyous Sukkos, with the hopes that we will cause a big Kiddush Hashem and Kiddush Lubavitch.


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