Rubashkin to Share Tips on Raising Stress-Free Kids

With so much going on, children are prone to develop harmful stress and anxiety. In a parenting workshop, R’ Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin will offer guidance and tips for raising children who are resilient, happy and stress-free.

By reporter

“My child has fears.” “My daughter suffers from anxiety.”

Over the course of their school years, many children will show signs of stress and anxiety. Whether it will stem from school issues such as grades or social pressures, home issues, or world issues that they hear about, children are likely to internalize those stresses and become anxious.

What can we do for them? How can we prime our children not to be stressed by their challenges?

R’ Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin spent over 8 years in prison and developed a process to deal with his challenges. Today, he travels the world telling his story and inspiring his listeners to greater emuna and peace of mind.

In this workshop, R’ Rubashkin will speak specifically about how to convey that to children with their particular stresses. He will provide practical guidance and tips on what parents can do to raise happier and calmer kids.

The workshop will take place Tuesday, 16 Shvat – January 18, 8:30-9:30 PM, and will be streamed live on

Q&A will follow the presentation. Questions can be emailed in advance to [email protected].

The event is organized by Anash Chinuch and Gidulim.


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