Rov’s Daily Gemara Shiur Celebrates Siyum

Participants of the daily Sota shiur at Kehal Bais Rivkah joined for a siyum with maggid shiur Harav Moshe Bogomilsky, a longtime Chabad rov and author, and member of Vaad Rabbonei Lubavitch.

During the days of Sefiras HaOmer, a group of Crown Heights residents gathered at Kehal Bais Rivkah on Crown Street for a daily shiur on Maseches Sota learning one daf each day, corresponding to that day’s Sefiras HaOmer.

Recently, participants joined for a siyum with maggid shiur Harav Moshe Bogomilsky, a longtime Chabad rov and author, and member of Vaad Rabbonei Lubavitch.

Following the siyum, Rabbi Bogolisky delivered an in-depth hadran connecting the end of the masechta to its beginning.


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