Rov Marks Yahrzeit With Unique Siyum

Photos: Eliyahu Ezagui

Harav Yosef Yeshaya Braun of the Crown Heights Badatz marked the yahrzeit of his father by davening for the omud, and with a siyum, as is customary. But the siyum he choose was a unique one.  

By reporter

Harav Yosef Yeshaya Braun of the Crown Heights Badatz marked the yahrzeit of his father by davening for the omud, and with a siyum, as is customary. But the siyum he choose was a unique one.  

Rabbi Braun was marking the 11th yahrzeit of his father, Harav Chaim Eliezer Yisroel Braun of Flatbush, a renowned talmid chochom who continued his father’s series of seforim titled Shearim Hametzuyonim B’halacha.

As is the minhag, Rabbi Braun served as chazan on Tuesday night for ma’ariv and Wednesday morning for shacharis, which he followed a siyum and the customary tikun.

But while making a siyum for a yahrzeit is common, the topic was more unique. Usually, the siyum is made on a masechta in Shas or Mishnayos. But, showing the weight he gave to the Rebbe’s takanah, and the seriousness of the study, Rabbi Braun made the siyum on the Rambam’s Taharah, which was concluded in the 3-perokim cycle on Tuesday.

Following the siyum, participants said l’chaim with Rabbi Braun, saying that his father’s neshama should have an aliya and wishing him arichas yomim v’shonim tovos.

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