Rosh Chodesh Society Launches ‘Torah and Tea’

The Rosh Chodesh Society, the women’s division of JLI, launchrd a brand-new program during this special year of Hakhel: TORAH & TEA: The Perfect Blend! 

Torah & Tea: The Perfect Hakhel Blend!

The Rosh Chodesh Society invites you to our perfectly blended, year-long tea party! 

The Rebbe always encouraged us to create and participate in additional gatherings during shenas Hakhel. What can be warmer and more welcoming than a steaming cup of tea, a relevant Torah insight, inspired discussion, and friendly interaction with other Jewish women?! 


On a particular Shemini Atzeres in the city of Liadi, after saying several lechayims, a simple laborer remarked to the Alter Rebbe, “I cannot grasp your teachings about the loftiness of this Yom Tov. Is there a simplified way for it to be explained, so that I too could appreciate and learn from it?”

“Surely, you are familiar with how tea is prepared,” replied the Alter Rebbe gently. “A strong essence is made and kept in a small cruet from which just a few drops are mixed daily with hot water. This essence can go a long way. So too is it with the powerful and joyful experience of this Yom Tov, which is much like the concentrated tea essence: it imbues a Jew with joy, fervor, and warmth that lasts throughout the year.”


It is with great gratitude to Hashem that the Rosh Chodesh Society, the women’s division of The Rohr Jewish Learning Institute (JLI), is honored and pleased to share the launch of a brand-new program during this special year of Hakhel: TORAH & TEA: The Perfect Blend! 

To the hundreds of shluchos around the world who have been hosting Torah & Tea classes for well over a decade; to those who are just putting the kettle on the fire, and to all of you in between: we invite you to join together in sharing the essence, warmth, and joy of Torah and Yiddishkeit in a most enjoyable, memorable, and simple-yet-special way. 

This new program features three Torah & Tea mini-courses, each consisting of eight new, ready-to-share, intriguing short lessons (a total of twenty-four classes) for your Torah & Tea gatherings.

Series I—The Truth of the Matter: Myths about Judaism, Debunked
Series II—The Heart of the MatterFinding Personal Meaning in Select Powerful Prayers
Series III—The Spirit of the Matter: Living above and beyond the Letter of the Law

This Torah & Tea Hakhel series is designed to be unconditionally welcoming to every Jewish woman across the globe, and it is our hope and prayer that it will serve to unify our sisters everywhere. 

As Mrs. Ella Potash, codirector, Chabad Midpen, Redwood City, California, so kindly shared: “I had my first Torah & Tea session this morning. The ladies loved it! It was light and refreshing, and it sparked lively discussion. Everyone enjoyed socializing as well. If you’re going to commit to one Hakhel program this year, I highly recommend this one!” 

“The class was EXCELLENT! The ladies really enjoyed the messages,” wrote Mrs. Devorah Stolik, codirector, Chabad of Olney, Maryland. “The format of the class is so perfect and people appreciated the quality of the content. This is great for a diverse crowd and really brought everyone together. I’m excited to teach all the classes throughout the year.”

“I gave the first class today! The ladies loved it. It’s perfect and lent itself to great discussion,” said Mrs. Chanale Itkin, codirector, Chabad on the Plaza, Kansas City, Missouri. “The ladies learned some wonderful things they did not know, and on top of that, the class had the personal life lessons which everyone loves (and needs). The best part is the easy preparation. This is so doable! Thanks for putting it together. I think it’s brilliant!”

Mrs. Rashi Brashevitzky, shluchah to Chabad of Tidewater, Virginia, is amazed at the feedback she’s been receiving. “I am so gratified and humbled by the impact these classes are having in our city. I have women inviting their friends, and their friends are inviting their friends! This has created a beautiful, warm, and wonderful safe haven filled with the joys of Torah & Tea.”

“As the Alter Rebbe taught, this is the power of distilling the concentrated essence of tea, not only on a physical tier, but on a spiritual level as well,” says Mrs. Shaindy Jacobson, Director of the Rosh Chodesh Society. “And indeed, this essence can and will go a long way.”

To each and every one of the Rebbe’s shluchos worldwide, thank you for your incredible dedication in disseminating Torah and Chasidus in the most beautiful way. May your cup runneth over with Torah & Tea, and berachos ad bli dai, now and forever!

This special RCS program, Torah & Tea: The Perfect Hakhel Blend, is in memory of
Mrs. Rashi Minkowitz, a”h, beloved shluchah of the Rebbe to Alpharetta, Georgia.

For more Torah & Tea information, please click here or contact Shaindy at [email protected] or Chana’le at [email protected]  | 718-221-6900.

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