Reserve Your Spot for Chof Av by this Monday

Register by this Monday to guarantee your spot for Chof Av in Almaty. Join this once-in-a-lifetime experience with Yidden from across the globe to honor the Rebbe’s father on his Yahrtzeit. 

The countdown has begun for Chof Av in Almaty, and excitement is building among participants from all corners of the globe. With only two weeks left, the Chof Av committee is urging everyone to reserve their spots before this Monday.

By reserving your spot, you can rest assured that you will have access to all the hospitality and amenities throughout the Chof Av event.

The Chof Av committee has gone to great lengths to create an immersive and meaningful experience for all attendees. Join together with Yidden from around the world coming together to pay tribute to R’ Levi Yitzchak. 

To reserve your spot, simply visit and complete the registration process. 

Secure your spot today, and get ready to join us for Chof Av in Almaty!

Register Here:

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