A replica of the simple metal menorah used by the Rebbe for decades was produced by a group of bochurim in time for Chanukah. A limited number of the menorahs will be sold in front of 770 on Sunday.
By Anash.org reporter
After the first run sold out within hours, a group of bochurim produced a second run of a replica of the Rebbe’s simple menorah in time for Chanukah this year.
For decades, the Rebbe used a simple metal menorah for Chanuka, even though he was gifted one of pure gold. Now, chassidim can buy a replica of that modest menorah to use for themselves.
The menorah was first replicated before Chanukah 5781, and the limited stock sold out within hours. In time for Chanuakah 5782, a new run was held, and another batch of the menorahs arrived in Crown Heights.
For years, the only photograph of the Rebbe’s menorah was a grainy photo of the Rebbe’s room, taken by a reporter when the Rebbe was at the Ohel in the 5750s. In the corner of the room, one can see the Rebbe’s menorah sitting on a tray and placed on a chair.
Just over two years ago, the Central Chabad Library put the Rebbe’s menorah on display, and the group of bochurim took the opportunity to closely examine and photograph it.
“Despite the fact that the Rebbe received a gold menorah from one of the chasidim, the Rebbe always kindled the Chanukah lights using the present Menorah,” said Rabbi Berel Levine, director of the library, at the time.
Only a limited number of menorahs remain, and they will be sold in front of 770 on Sunday. The bochurim who made the replica told Anash.org that there is high demand and limited stock, so the menorahs will be sold on a first come first served basis.
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