Registration Now Open for Eightieth Yom Hilulah

Thousands are expected in Kazakhstan for 80th Chof Av commemoration. Hospitality will be available from Thursday afternoon to Sunday morning. Full details inside.

Registration is now open for the Eightieth Yom Hilulah of Harav Reb Levi Yitzchok Schneerson, the Rebbe’s father.

Hospitality will be available from Thursday afternoon to Sunday morning.

Full details:

The 80th Yom Hilulah of the Rebbe’s father, Harav Levi Yitzchak Schneerson, on Shabbos Eikev—Chof Av, is quickly approaching. A day which Rebbe cherished and encouraged chassidim to commemorate by learning Reb Levi Yitzchak’s teachings and holding farbrengens in his memory.

Over the years, it has become possible to visit Reb Levi Yitzchoks Ohel in Alma Ata, Kazakhstan, with hospitality arrangements for the many who come from all over the world.

This year, the hospitality program will start on Thursday, 18 Av, and continue until Sunday, 21 Av. It will include an inspiring Shabbos with shiurim in Chassidus and in the Torah of Reb Levik and farbrengens with prominent Rabbonim, Mashpiim, and Anash from around the globe.

After booking flights (direct or with layovers) and hotel rooms, guests will enjoy comprehensive hospitality services, including airport transportation, transportation between the hotel and the Ohel, daily meals at the hotel, Shabbos meals, and shuttle services to key event locations.

At the Ohel, air-conditioned tents will be available for learning, davening, and the writing of Panim, with complimentary hot and cold drinks, snacks, fruits, and sandwiches around the clock.

The central event will be held at the Ohel on Friday after Shacharis, at 10:30 AM local time, including Tehillim, niggunim, and a Pan Kloli on behalf of all Anash and Shluchim. This event will be broadcast live worldwide.

All Shabbos meals, study sessions, and farbrengens will take place at the luxurious Rixos Hotel in central Alma Ata, where guests can reserve rooms at discounted rates.

The Shabbos (day) Seuda and Farbrengen will take place at the Chabad House in Almaty led by Chief Rabbi Shaya Cohen.

The central farbrengen will take place in the grand hall of the Rixos Hotel on Motzei Shabbos, featuring distinguished Rabbonim, Mashpiim, and Shluchim, and a specially prepared program for the occasion.

A website has been launched today, providing all the necessary information for one’s journey.

To register, click the link below.

The hospitality project in Alma Ata is dedicated to the Rebbe and his brothers Reb Yisroel Aryeh Leib and Reb Dov Ber in honor of their fathers’ yoertzeit.

Visit the website today for more information and to register!

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