Record 6 Medals Awarded at Bnos Menachem Chidon Finale Event

An energetic Hakhel Game Show and Award Ceremony was held at Bnos Menachem school in Crown Heights on Sunday, leaving all those participating amazed at the Torah accomplishments.

An energetic Hakhel Game Show and Award Ceremony was held at Bnos Menachem school in Crown Heights on Sunday, leaving all those participating amazed at the Torah accomplishments.

Over 50 stage representatives blew the school away as they showcased their incredible Mitzvos knowledge through an exciting game show, MCed by Morah Chaya Kramer. It was a close call, and it looked like Team Sefer Hamitzvos was in the lead, but Mazel Tov to Team Yad Hachazakah who won after successfully challenging the judges!

Every girl was then called up to walk the blue Chidon carpet and receive their deserved awards. Whether it was a beautiful certificate, plaque, medal or glass trophy, every girl who tried hard, yagati, has already earned the best prize in the world – the knowledge of the Mitzvos.

Thanks were given to the parents for coming to cheer on your daughter and watch her shine, on this busy pre-Pesach Sunday.

“The Rebbe said Sefer Hamitzvos unites all Yidden, and our trophy ceremony was just that,” Tzivos Hashem coordinator Blumi Mishulovin said. “History was made as 6 trophies were awarded at one Chidon Award Ceremony.”

The school was honored to have Rabbi Shimmy Weinbaum himself come to award 3 Bnos Menachem trophies, as well as welcoming 3 guests to receive trophies with them.

“The ahavas yisroel the girls had for their friends and guests was so inspiring,” a parent said.

Mazel Tov to:
Bronze 4 BM – Gittel Sternberg
Silver 6 BM – Dassi Marosov
Silver 7 BM – Chaya Mushka Mishulovin
2 Bronze – 8 and KHK Cheder Chabad Baltimore – Chaya Mushka Labkowski
Gold 4 BCM Toronto – Chanale Mann
Gold 6 Cheder Chabad Florida – Pessi Matusof

Thank you to our incredible and hardworking TH Chidon Coordinator Mrs. Esther Stock for her unbelievable devotion and hard work and to our amazing administration for the invaluable support.


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