Rechovot Celebrates Siyum HaRambam

Members of the Chabad community of Rechovot gathered to mark the 40th annual Siyum HaRambam on Wednesday with a celebration led by rabonim and community leaders and attended by a large enthusiastic crowd of all ages.

By reporter
Photos by DovBer Hechtman

Members of the Chabad community of Rechovot gathered to mark the 40th annual Siyum HaRambam on Wednesday, the 6th of Tammuz, with a celebration led by rabonim and community leaders and attended by a large enthusiastic crowd, including guests of all ages, from the elderly to the very young. Chabad chassidim and members of the various communities in the city could be found sitting together enjoying the divrei Torah, joyous music and festive meal.

Among the distinguished speakers were Rabbi Menachem Mendel Gluckowski, Rov of the Chabad Community and member of the Chabad Beis Din in Eretz Yisroel, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Katz of the Chabad Yeshiva in Bnei Brak, Rabbi Yosef Kehati, Rabbi of the Shaare Zedek shul in Oshiyot, Rehovot, the Veretzky Rebbe, Rabbi Pinchas Shenbalach and Rabbi Shimon Meir, the Chief Rabbi and Av Beit Din of Lod.

The evening was emceed by Rabbi Aryeh Lipsker. The entire event was well organized and tastefully prepared, in the usual tradition of the Beit Chabad of Rechovot under the leadership of shliach, Rabbi Avraham Mordechai Kastel.

Throughout the evening and between the various talks, the audience was uplifted by the joyous music of R’ Oved Munis and the passionate singing of R’ Menachem Fleischman. At one point, the audience rose from their seats for an enthusiastic, spontaneous dance.

The inspiring and heartfelt words, as well as the special stories that were spoken, penetrated the heart of every individual and intensified his desire to persevere in his study of Rambam in the future.

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