Rebbetzin’s Shabbos Candlesticks Put on Public Display

The Shabbos candlesticks used by Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka, and later by the Rebbe, were put on display in the exhibition of the Central Chabad Library on the third floor of 770. 

By reporter

The Shabbos candlesticks used by Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka, and later by the Rebbe, are now on public display, available for anyone who so desires to come and see.

The candlesticks are on display at the exhibition of the Central Chabad Library on the third floor of 770. The library, home to some 250,000 books, also contains thousands of artifacts and items which had belonged to the seven Chabad Rebbeim. Many of the Rebbe’s personal tashmishei mitzvah, such as his tefillin, menorah, megilah, and more, are part of the library’s collections.

Over the past few years, many of these items have been brought out of the archives and placed on public display, allowing chassidim and others to view the holy items used by the Rebbeim. One could pick any day, walk into the library exhibition, and see a silver bowl used by the Alter Rebbe, the Frierdiker Rebbe’s glasses and coat, or the Rebbe’s shofaros.

One item, however, was not part of the collection. The candlesticks that had been used by the Rebbetzin, and after her passing, by the Rebbe, were elsewhere, albeit nearby. They were on the second floor of 770, being used by R’ Sholom Ber Gansburg, who had served as the mashbak in the Rebbe’s home for years, and whom the Rebbe authorized to take charge of some of his belongings. Sometime after Gimmel Tammuz, he began living in 770, and brought with him some of those items.

From then, until his passing just over a month ago, R’ Shalom Ber faithfully guarded the items, which also included the Rebbe’s personal siddur. After he passed away, the siddur was returned to the Rebbe’s holy room in 770, and the candlesticks were brought to the library, and placed on display.

According to Rabbi Berel Levine, Chief Librarian of the Rebbe’s library, the candlesticks were actually used by two rebbetzins, the first being Rebbetzin Sterna Sara, wife of the Rebbe Rashab. Following her passing in 5702, they were given to the Rebbetzin, who used them until Chof Beis Shvat 5748. From that point on, the Rebbe lit Shabbos candles on his own in the same candlesticks, usually in his room in 770. In some pictures from the years 5748-5752 where the Rebbe was standing by the door of his room, one can see the candlesticks on a table or chair.

The candlesticks have an iconic status among Lubavitchers, and replicas can be purchased at silver stores in Crown Heights, Eretz Yisroel, and online. The chance to see the originals is sure to cause excitement among Chabad chassidim and far beyond, who now have the chance to see another holy item that was used by two Rebbetzins and the Rebbe for many years.

The Rebbe’s Library exhibition is located at 766 Eastern Parkay, with entrance through the ‘Sukkah’.
Sunday to Thursday: 11:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Friday: 11 AM to 2:00 PM

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