Rebbetzin’s Desire for 770 Realized After 58 Years

The wish of the Rebbe and Rebbetzin that’s 770’s lawn should be beautiful was actualized with the installation of plants and flowers this week.

By reporter

In 5725, the Rebbetzin relayed the Rebbe’s desire that 770’s lawn be beautiful and well-kept. 58 years later, that realization of that request was bolstered with the installation of plants and colorful flowers.

For 25 years after 770 was bought, the two small gardens in front of 770 gradually became a dumping spot, with garbage and broken furniture piling up. It was only in 5725 that Rabbi Yaakov Tzvi Holtzman, who was a ben bayis in the Rebbe’s home, decided to take initiative.

He hired a company to clear up the area, plant grass, and make it into a respectable garden. He personally donated $200 from his saving, a sum he had saved over 10 years. He raised an additional $200 from other chassidim, with the average donation being a single dollar.

After the company cleared up and planted the area in front of the Rebbe’s room, some elderly chassidim told R’ Yaakov off, saying that what he had done was a waste of money.

Feeling conflicted, R’ Yaakov told the Rebbetzin what he had done, and what response he had gotten. A few days later, the Rebbetzin told R’ Yaakov that she had told her husband – the Rebbe, and the Rebbe had asked why he hadn’t fixed up the second side as well…

58 years later, on Thursday of this week, the fulfillment of the Rebbe and Rebbetzin’s request to have a beautiful garden by 770 was augmented with new plants and flowers.

Both lawns in front of 770 had new plants and flowers installed, and the lights that shine on 770 every night were upgraded as well.

Workers dug up ditches on the lawns and installed the plants, and the result has 770’s lawns awash with color.

The work was sponsored and partially done by R’ Yossi Rabkin, and overseen by Rabbi Chaim Baruch Halberstam.

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