Rebbe’s Sichos on Moshiach Presented to Viznitzer Rebbe

A delegation of Lubavitcher rabbonim, mashpi’im and activists paid a visit to the Viznitzer Rebbe who is currently in New York visiting his Chassidim ahead of Rosh Hashana. The group discussed the importance of learning topics of Moshiach and geula.

By reporter

On Monday evening, a delegation of Lubavitcher rabbonim, mashpi’im and activists paid a visit to the Viznitzer Rebbe Rabbi Menachem Mendel Hager, who is currently in New York visiting his chassidim ahead of Rosh Hashana.

The delegation was led by Rabbi Nachman Schapiro, mashpia in Beis Medrash Oholei Torah, Rabbi Dovid Moshe Meisels of Heichal Menachem in Boro Park, and Menachem Mendel Ezagui, the author of an impressive collection of the Rebbe’s explanation on the Rambam’s Hilchos Melech HaMoshiach.

During the meeting, Ezagui presented the Viznitzer Rebbe with the sefer ‘Dvar Malchus’. The Vitznitzer Rebbe offered strong words of praise for the sefer while showering its author with brachos. He then handed Ezagui $200 as his personal participation in the printing of the sefer.

Rabbi Schapiro and Ezaui then had a lengthy discussion with the Viznitzer Rebbe about the importance of studying the topics of Moshiach and geula. While throughout the conversation, dozens of Viznitzer Chasidim crowded around to hear their Rebbe expound on the importance of studying Moshiach and geula.

The delegation was accompanied by recognized Crown Heights activist R’ Eli Slavin, who organized the meeting, and Hatomim Shmuel Butler.


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