Rebbe’s Room to Open for Chof Av

The Rebbe’s room at 770 Eastern Parkway will open for the public for all three tefillos of Chof Av.

The Rebbe‘s room at 770 Eastern Parkway will open for the public for all three tefillos of Chof Av.

Chof Av marks the yahrzeit of Harav Levi Yitzchok Schneerson, the father of the Rebbe. On that day every year, the Rebbe would lead all three tefillos as chazzan.

Wednesday Night
Maariv 9:30 PM

Shacharis 9:30 AM
Mincha 3:15 PM

The Rebbe’s home on President St. will not be opened for Chof Av.

לרגל כ אב
חדר של הרבי ב-770 פתוח לתפילות

9:30 מעריב

יום חמישי

9:30 שחרית
3:15 מנחה

הבית של הרבי ברחוב פרזידנט יהיה סגור


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