Rebbe’s Library Selling 1000’s of Surplus Seforim for Token Price

In honor of the auspicious day of Hey Teves, for the first time since the ‘Didan Notzach’ in 5747, when the Rebbe called upon Chassidim to donate books to the library, Chief Librarian Rabbi Berel Levine has announced that thousands of surplus seforim will be sold for a token price this Sunday.

For the past 37 years, since the 5th day of Tevet 5748, when the Rebbe instructed the Chasidim to donate books not yet in the library, thousands of books have been donated to the library each year, individual books and book collections.

Among the books donated were many books that were already in the library; which had never entered the library’s book collection, but were placed in the “Surplus Book” department.

Over the years, several thousand books have been collected in this department. Most of them are new books, and some – older books.

In honor of the auspicious day of 5th Tevet, these books will be offered for sale to the public, at a symbolic price of $10 per book; $5 per booklet. Anyone can add to this price, a donation to the library, as their pure heart desires.

“The reason all of this was not possible,” Rabbi Levine told, “is that until the new wing was completed, thousands of books remained packed in boxes, with no room on the shelves to place them.”

The sale will take place in the library building, on Sunday, the 5th day of Tevet, from 11:00 till 5:00. The main entrance of 766 Eastern Parkway.

Every year, on the eve of the 5th of Tevet, a fundraiser is held for the library. Anyone who would like to participate in this fundraiser, can enter here and donate:


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