Rebbe’s Instructions for Trying Times Compiled in New Booklet

In light of the current situation in Eretz Yisroel, Or Vechom Hahiskahsrus presents a compilation of the Rebbe’s Sichos, ma’amorim, and letters that provide valuable insights and guidance that can relate to the current situation.

In light of the current situation in Eretz Yisroel, Or Vechom Hahiskahsrus is pleased to present a compilation of the Rebbe’s Sichos, Maamorim, and letters from various periods, providing valuable insights and guidance from the Rebbe that can relate to the current Matziv.

The material is especially relevant for community leaders, Rabbonim, and Mashpi’im seeking to inspire and guide their communities. For your convenience, we have added links to the original Sichos in the PDF for more in-depth learning.


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Or Vechom is also pleased to share our Mivtzoim resource website, featuring an extensive range of resources on the ten Mivtzoim, seasonal Mivtzoim, and more that can be an inspiration during this time. Browse the site at

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