Rebbe’s Hopeful Message Circulated to Israelis

Since the horrific events of Simchas Torah, many Yidden have been carrying with them sense of confusion and bewilderment. Machon Or Hachassidus is sharing the Rebbe’s much needed guidance to tens of thousands of Yidden.

By reporter

Since the morning of Simchas Torah when news broke of horrific terrorist attack on Eretz Yisroel, many Yidden from all walks of life have been carrying with them sense of confusion and bewilderment.

At Machon Or Hachassidus, an organization which is dedicated to presenting the Rebbe’s Torah to audiences around the world, knew they needed to take action.

Kuntres “I will give peace in the land”, touches on some painful issues that require strengthening at this time, in a Jew’s personal life and the leadership of Eretz Yisroel. It gives the Rebbe’s much needed guidance presented in an orderly manner and divided into chapters.

Rabbi Avraham Mann, director of Or Hachassidus says “The truth is that in these days, collecting and editing items in hashkafa on the situation, may be more challenging than practical actions, such as traveling to a military base, wrapping tefillin, and bringing hot meals to the soldiers. The challenge is complex, so we spent days and nights to publish this booklet. It is very important for every Chossid and every Jewish.”

The booklet was distributed in 120,000 copies, and was attached to the major Shabbos newspapers including: Hamodia, Hamavaser, Bakheila, Mishpacha, and in thousands of shuls and Chabad houses throughout the country.

Rabbi Levi Brook, director of Or Hachassidus in Eretz Yisroel said “This is a huge project that will surely bring nachas to the Rebbe. Immediately after Simchas Torah, we began sharing messages of strength on our various publications on social media that reach 100,000.

Or Hachassidus would like to thank philanthropist Rabbi Yitzchak Mishaan, and all the donors for their assistance in the special project, which will surely bring encouragement and strength to the people of Eretz Yisroel in this difficult time.

To download the expanded version of the booklet click here.

To download the newspaper version of the booklet click here.


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