Rebbe’s Army Unites to Support Israel’s Army

Bochurim Ephy Shanowitz and Yossi Farro launched a WhatsApp chat group dedicated to “Tefillin selfies.” Whitin 48 hours the groups participants have already wrapped over 1000 tefillin.

Tefillin for Israel In times of chaos and uncertainty, it is the human spirit’s resilience that shines the brightest.

Such is the story of hundreds of Chabad bochurim who, faced with the tumultuous events in Israel, decided to take action in a unique and powerful way.

Their initiative, “Tefillin for Israel,” not only helped connect Jews from all around the world but also demonstrated the strength of unity and faith.

The spark for this inspiring movement was ignited by Ephy Shanowitz and Yossi Farro, two young Chabad activists with a passion for bringing people together. In response to the challenging times Israel was facing, they decided to use technology and tradition to bridge the gap and create a sense of togetherness among Jews worldwide.

Within 24 hours of their idea’s conception, Ephy Shanowitz and Yossi Farro launched a WhatsApp chat group dedicated to “Tefillin selfies.”

The concept was simple yet profound: Jews from across the globe would share pictures of themselves wrapping tefillin, a sacred Jewish ritual of binding phylacteries to the arm and forehead during prayer. It’s a symbol of faith, unity, and a connection to tradition that resonates deeply with Jewish people. What began as a small initiative soon gained remarkable momentum.

The “Tefillin for Israel” chat group rapidly attracted over 500 participants, each person united by their shared faith and desire to support Israel during these challenging times. The chat became a virtual hub where Jews from various backgrounds, ages, and walks of life could connect, pray, and inspire one another.

The impact of this initiative extended beyond the digital realm. Ephy Shanowitz, one of the driving forces behind “Tefillin for Israel,” went the extra mile by arranging a bus to take Chabad bochurim (young Jewish scholars) to storm Manhattan with the mission of encouraging fellow Jews to join the movement. In a display of solidarity and faith, these bochurim spread the message of “Tefillin for Israel,” inviting people to share in this meaningful act of prayer and connection.

The response from the Manhattan community was heartwarming. People of all ages, backgrounds, and levels of religious observance were moved to participate in this powerful symbol of unity and hope. The tefillin-wrapping event not only served as a way to support Israel but also as a reminder of the importance of faith and tradition in times of adversity.

The “Tefillin for Israel” initiative serves as a shining example of how faith and community can bring people together in times of crisis. In an age where technology often separates us, this movement harnessed the power of the digital world to create a global community of Jews who found strength and solace in their shared beliefs and traditions.

As the world continues to face challenges and uncertainties, it’s heartening to see that the spirit of unity and faith is alive and well, transcending geographical boundaries and cultural differences. Ephy Shanowitz, Yossi Farro, and the Chabad bochurim have shown that, even in the face of chaos, we can find hope and connection through simple yet profound acts of faith and solidarity.

“Tefillin for Israel” stands as a testament to the enduring power of tradition, unity, and the indomitable human spirit. It reminds us that, no matter where we are in the world, we are never truly alone when we are bound by our shared heritage and beliefs.

Join the “Tefillin for Israel” Whatsapp group

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  1. You are a true beacon of selflessness with a heart that doesnt end, tirelessly fostering unity among the all jews around the entire world, organizing collective prayer through the mitzvah of tefillin and bringing warmth to hospitals with your unwavering kindness and smile. Your dedication to creating unity is truly commendable! CHAZAK!!!

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