Reb Dovid Nachson Holds Birthday Farbrengen in YG Melbourne

During his visit to Australia, Reb Dovid Nachson celebrated his birthday with a farbrengen for the bochurim and shluchim in Yeshiva Gedola Melbourne (YG).

During his visit to Australia, Reb Dovid Nachson was invited to farbreng Thursday night for the bochurim and shluchim in Yeshiva Gedola Melbourne (YG).

The farbrengen coincided with Reb Dovid’s birthday on Beis Menachem Av. Reb Dovid is head of the Chabad Mitzvah Tanks in Eretz Yisroel and is involved in many activities of Chabad.

During the farbrengen, Reb Dovid spoke about his special connection to the Rebbe during different peulos he did especially in the realm of Moshiach. 

The Bochurim enjoyed immensely and were left deeply inspired and committed to continuing to shturem about the Rebbes inyonim, and prepare their entire world for the Geulah. 

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