Ready-Made Mivtzoim Routes For Your Family This Chanukah

Get a prepared kit with an exact route, donuts, pamphlets, and Menorahs this Chanukah, so you can easily take your family out on mivtzoim and make a real difference.

With Chanukah fast approaching, Chabad of Sheepshead Bay is gearing up for an enormous Mivtzoim operation, bringing the light of Chanukah to the large Jewish population of Sheepshead Bay. 

Last year Chanukah, hundreds of school children, Bochurim, young families, and Anash, came out from Crown Heights to Sheepshead Bay, leading to more than 9,000 Yidden celebrating the holiday of Chanukah. With flames shining bright in the homes and hearts of Sheepshead Bay residents, it was indeed a Chanukah to remember!

But this year will be different.

The barbaric attacks of October 7th have unified the Jewish people in an unprecedented manner. Regardless of affiliation, Jewish people around the world are feeling their Jewish identity more than ever before.

The inner spark has awoken. Something is flickering inside. People are looking for ways to express their core identity. To do something Jewish. To do something for Israel. 

With the Neshama of every Jew knocking at the door, we have a unique opportunity to answer it. To stand at the doorway of their homes and hearts and hand them the match to ignite their flame. The flame of the Menorah. The flame of their Neshama. The flame of Yiddishkeit. 

For many Lubavitchers, the situation in Eretz Yisroel has stirred our Neshamos too. We want to do something for the Yidden in Eretz Yisroel. We want to help a fellow Jew put on tefillin, light the Shabbat candles, and kindle the Chanukah Menorah.

Now is the time. This is your opportunity! 

Chabad of Sheepshead Bay has been working tirelessly to ensure that every detail is prepared to make the Mivtzoim experience as easy for you as possible.

Family-friendly routes, buses for transportation, candles, Menorahs, donuts, and everything else you may need. 

This Chanukah will be different because the spark is already flickering.

Let’s ignite the flame!

For more details see the flyer below, or call Yosef: 240-770-1668, or Shmuel: 845-903-2431.

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