Rambam App Releases New Version for Chof Teves

In honor of Chof Teves – the Rambam’s yahrzeit, and Chof Daled Teves, the Rambam app that was launched earlier this year has released a new version, with features including side by side English translation.

In honor of Chof Teves – the Rambam’s yahrzeit, and Chof Daled Teves, the Rambam app that was launched earlier this year has released a new version, with features including side by side English translation.

The Rambam app has been enthusiastically received since its launch, with many thousands of downloads and active users. Users praised the app’s seamlessness and ease of use, and the wide array of Shiurim available on it.

The app is a joint project between many organizations including Irgun Torah, Chabad.org, rambam.today, rambam.net and others, created with the vision of being a “one stop shop for everything Rambam”.

The extensive selection of Maggidei Shiur include Rabbi Josh Gordon, Rabbi Mendel Yusevitz, Rabbi Yehuda Refson, Rabbi Levi Rapoport, Rabbi Chaim Wolosow, Rabbi Elozor Rubin, Rabbi Shloimy Schwartzberg, Rabbi Moshe Wolberg, and Rabbi Raleigh Resnick.

Aside from the Rambam text and a comprehensive database of Shiurim, the app introduces a new technology that allows you to click on any halacha to hear a Shiur on it specifically, and as you listen to a Shiur, the text scrolls to and highlights the correct place.

The new version was made possible thanks to the tireless dedication of Rabbi Avrohom Rotban of Irgun Torah, who has been instrumental in the project from the very beginning.

Irgun Torah also arranges a host of daily Rambam Shiurim in many Shuls across Crown Heights, as well as many other Shiurim and programs.

Rabbi Rotban told Anash.org: “Irgun Torah was able to make the current version possible thanks to the encouragement and support of an anonymous donor, to whom it was very important that the Rambam text be available in the English language as well.

“This will allow a broader audience to be able to enjoy the app, and brings us closer to our ultimate goal of bringing the Rebbe’s Takkanah to every Yid.

“In the Zechus of being Mezakeh the Rabim in Limmud HaTorah, Hashem should bestow upon him all the Brochos, Begashiyus Uberuchniyus.”

The project was made possible by a generous grant from Rabbi Shloimy and Mirele Greenwald, and due to the tireless dedication of Yosef Mintz and the development staff of Osfy to bring the technology up to the highest standards.

Additional features and content are constantly being added, and the app’s organizers are committed to expanding the scope and reach of the project with the ultimate vision of bringing the Rebbe’s Takkanah to every Yid.

To get involved in this project, please be in touch with Rabbi Chaim Zaklos for dedication opportunities. [email protected] or +1 707 592 5300

The app is currently available in the Apple and Google Play stores

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