Rally In South Florida Unites 6 Day Schools

In a tremendous display of achdus, over 3,500 students from six schools in Florida gathered together for two Unity Rallies—one boys, one girls—in the merit of the safety and wellbeing of Jews living in Eretz Yisroel.

Photos: Fishel Kleinman

In a tremendous display of achdus, over 3,500 students from six schools in Florida gathered together for two Unity Rallies—one boys, one girls—in the merit of the safety and wellbeing of Jews living in Israel. 

The schools flew down Rabbi Shimmy Weinbaum of Tzivos Hashem Headquarters specially to lead the multimedia program for the participating students of Lubavitch Educational Center, Cheder Chabad Florida, Lan’aar, Lubavitch Hebrew Academy, Pardes Day School, and South Florida Jewish Academy.

“In a time when we desperately need Hashem’s mercy and protection, there is no better way to effectuate it than with achdus, simcha, and the tefillos of our army, our children,” says Rabbi Benzion Korf, dean of LEC, the host school. “I am sure the Rebbe had tremendous nachas from this event.”

Together, the students said the twelve pesukim, recited tehillim, gave tzedakah, and sang and danced to nigunim sung by Shlomo Simcha with music by Choni Teitelbaum. Ad mosai at the boys’ rally was led by Yisrael Zecharya Mathouf, who arrived in the US from Bareket, Israel just this week.

Both rallies ended off with the students singing Ani Maamin, praying, as only children can, for the ultimate geula, when swords will be turned into plowshares and when the world will truly be at peace, with the coming of Moshiach.

The event was made possible thanks to Rabbis Sholom Dovber Korf of Chabad at Lakeview, Levi Plotkin of CKids Gan Israel Florida, and the close collaboration between the staff of each school including:

From LEC: Rabbis Benzion Korf, Yakov Garfinkel, Mendy Shachar, Moshe Stern, Shmaya Krinsky, and Zalman Myers-Smith and the school security team, and Mrs. Shevi Sossonko, Chaya Sara Dalfin, Tzivi Schurder, Bina Rosenblum, and Tziporah Elazar-Mota

From Cheder Chabad: Rabbi Aharon and Mrs. Chaya Matusof and Rabbi Zash Itkin

From LHA: Rabbis Shlomo Denburg and Schneur Wilhelm and Mrs. Chaya Minsky

From Pardes: Rabbi Levi Druin and Mrs. Herrman

From Lanaar: Rabbi Mattisyahu Devlin and Dr. Monica Wagenberg

From SFJA: Rabbi Yossi and Mrs. Baila Gansburg

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