(Rabbi) YY’s Chazarah on Shoftim 5751

Following the extraordinary farbrengen of Shoftim 5751, Rabbi YY Jacobson, then a bochur, held a chazara of the Rebbe’s farbrengen, as he did every week. It was just re-released for the first time since then.

To mark 32 years since the extraordinary farbrengen of Shoftim 5751, “Lubavitch Lebt” released for the first time the chazara of (Rabbi) YY Jacobson of the Rebbe’s farbrengen, which was held on Motzei Shabbos of that week.

During the years of the nuns (1990s), there were many shluchim and anash around the globe who wanted to know what the Rebbe said at the Shabbos farbrengen, immediately after Shabbos ended. To fulfill their desire, WLCC arranged a chazara on their phone hotline system immediately after Shabbos.

The chozer was then-bochur Yosef Yitzchok Jacobson, who was known for his precision and his effort to preserve every word and enunciation of the Rebbe, and even the style and tone of speech.

The chazara was also recorded, and is being released for the first time since then.


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  1. B”H
    Was soooo amazing to hear and feel like we got a taste of the Rebbes Farbrengen!!! Loved it Thank You! Would love to have this to hear every motzei Shabbos!!! You hear about the Farbrengen in audio so it’s more alive than reading or learning it !!! Yasher koach and Thank You!

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