Rabbi YY Inspires Thousands in Whirlwind London Visit

Over Yud Tes Kislev, Rabbi YY Jacobson inspired diverse crowds in a number of London communities, leading farbrengens in Yiddish and English, and farbrengens for men and women.

London has been recently privileged with a fleeting 2 day visit by the renowned lecturer Rabbi YY Jacobson, in honor of Yud Tes Kislev, a day celebrated by Chabad Chassidim, and many others, as the day of the Alter Rebbe’s liberation and the yahrzeit of the Maggid of Mezritch.

Immediately upon arrival, Rabbi Jacobson headed to Kinloss Shul where he addressed and inspired hundreds of women on the topic of “The Power of Unconditional Love”, at an event organised by Mr. and Mrs. Benny Grossman, and sponsored by the organisation CHANA. 

Monday evening found Rabbi YY addressing a packed Yesodei Hatorah Hall, where 700 women listened spellbound as he explained how each Yid has the power to be an ambassador of love, light and hope,a nd how Hashem loves every one of us and wants us to be close to Him.

Following this talk, Rabbi YY went on to speak in Yiddish to a packed crowd of men, some of whom stayed on until past 3AM, as Rabbi YY led a powerful Farbrengen, engaging the participants in deep discussions, personalizing matters in Avodas Hashem. These were intertwined with warm Chabad Niggunim.

Tuesday night culminated with the annual “Inspire” event, organised by Reb Getsel Itzinger and Rabbi Nissan Dovid Dubov

The Yesodei Hatorah was packed with over 700 men and women, who enjoyed a catered meal, and sang beautiful niggunim led by Rabbi Shmuel Zajac.

Rabbi YY once again did not disappoint, and took the crowd on a journey through many deep and insightful concepts, through the lens of Chassidus. Rabbi YY spoke of the “shalva” that Yaakov Avinu so craved, about the importance of every Jew, about Hashem’s infinite love. His stories and his humour kept the participants captivated for 2 hours, and ready for more.

Rabbi Jacobson left back to his hometown of Monsey, NY, leaving London transformed and uplifted by the warm and meaningful messages that he imparted, which will be remembered for a long time to come.

VIDEO: Rabbi YY Jacobson at Inspire

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VIDEO: Rabbi YY Jacobson addresses Stamford Hill men in Yiddish

VIDEO: Rabbi YY Jacobson addresses Stamford Hill women in English

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