Rabbi YY Farbrengs with Bais Schneur Zal Ahead of Yud Shvat

Rabbi YY Jacobson farbrenged with the bochurim of Bais Schneur Zal into the early hours of the morning, answering critical questions of how to live as a full and healthy chossid in today’s age.

Photos: Yossi Sherman

Bais Schneur Zal held a farbrengen this week with Rabbi YY Jacobson in preparation for Yud Shvat.

Rabbi Jacobson sat with the bochurim into the early hours of the morning, answering critical questions of how to live as a full and healthy chossid in today’s age.

Among the topics that were discussed were how to fulfill Torah and Mitzvos authentically, and dealing with anxieties and addictions through the lens of iskafiyah and his’hapcho.

Rabbi Jacobson expressed amazement at the level of sincerity and maturity of the bochurim, and wished them much hatzlocho in the future.

Organizers gave a special thank you to Dovid and Ellie Gaerman for arranging and hosting the farbrengen.

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