Rabbi Yudi Dukes, 39, AH

Rabbi Yudi Dukes, the longtime director of JNet, who inspired many mitzvah campaigns in his merit, passed away today, 8 Shevat, 5781.

Rabbi Yudi Dukes, the longtime director of JNet, who inspired many mitzvah campaigns in his merit, passed away today, 8 Shevat, 5781.

He was 39 years old.

Yudi was hospitalized for 241 days, one of the longest corona related hospitalizations in the world. Throughout it all, thousands around the world davened, learned, and did mitzvos in his merit.

On Yud Kislev, Yudi was finally released home to his family only to return to the hospital the next day due to liver failure. In the past few days, his condition took a turn for the worse.

Yudi was the longtime director of the Jewish Learning Network, or JNet, a worldwide program that pairs people to study Judaism together. Even during his hospital stay, he would be working his phone and his iPad, directing JNet, and connecting people for weekly sessions of over-the-phone Torah-study.

Throughout the entire ordeal, Yudi’s wife, Sarah, bravely chronicled her journey of Emunah and Bitachon, inspiring others in the face of unimaginable difficulty. 

Yidden across the world closely followed Yudi’s progress. Every step forward was celebrated, every setback inspiring more davening and mitzvos. Yudi’s words of inspiration were widely shared on community Whatsapp chats with family and friends, with thousands eagerly awaiting more good news. 

He is survived by his wife Sarah, and their six children.

He is also survived by his parents, Aaron and Hinda Dukes – S. Louis Park, Minnesota, and siblings, Chana Feiga Dukes – S. Louis Park, Minnesota, Dovber Dukes – Chicago, IL, Shifra Livne – Eretz Yisroel, Asher Dukes – S. Louis Park, Minnesota, Hadassah Burrows – Rechovot, Eretz Yisroel, Shmuel Dukes – Chicago, IL, Rochel Dukes – S. Louis Park, Minnesota and Elisheva Dukes – S. Louis Park, Minnesota.

The Levaya will take place today, Thursday, passing by 770 at 3:00 PM and Old Montefiore Cemetery at 4:00 PM.

Baruch Dayan Haemes

A one million dollar campaign has been launched to help Sarah and her children, please donate what you can here:


Nichum Avelim

Feel free to share your memories of the niftar.

  1. BDE. Sara and children my heart goes out to u all. May you all only know from simchas.he was a real tzadik. He will sorely be missed.

  2. We will ALWAYS remember him. May his holy neshama go to it’s place of rest and in peace. There to get an alyaha EVERY TIME.

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