Rabbi Yaakov Yisroel Blumenfeld, 68, OBM

Rabbi Yaakov Yisroel Blumenfeld, longtime shliach in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, passed away Sunday night, 5 Nissan, 5783.

Rabbi Yaakov Yisroel Blumenfeld, longtime shliach in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, passed away Sunday night, 5 Nissan, 5783.

He was 68.

He passed away after a short illness.

Rabbi Blumenfeld was born in Shlichus, and as per the Rebbe’s horaa to continue his father’s Shlichus he continued for over 40 years.

He is survived by his wife Ida, and by his siblings: Mrs. Chana Scharf – Crown Heights; R’ Yossi Blumenfeld – Crown Heights; and many nephews and nieces – shluchim and mashpim, and baalei teshuvos around the world.

He was predeceased by his brother Rabbi Schneur Zalman Blumenfeld a”h, Head Shliach of Peru, and his parents Rabbi Yerachmiel and Dvora Blumenfeld a”h.

Levaya and Kevura today, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Rabbi Blumenfeld’s wife will be sitting Shiva in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

His siblings will be sitting Shiva in their own homes.

R’ Yossi Blumenfeld is sitting shiva for his brother at 1751 Union st apt 1B

Baruch Dayan Ha’emes – Yaakov Yisroel ben Yerachmiel 

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